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Heart disease is the No. 1 cause of mortality in the United States, accounting for about 1 in 5 deaths. The good news is experts estimate that healthy lifestyle changes can prevent 80%-90% of these deaths. At Himalaya Family Medicine Clinic in Aurora, Colorado, our family medicine doctor, Bipin Kumar,...
If you live with depression and suffer from insomnia, know you aren’t alone. It’s estimated that up to 75% of people with depression also have difficulty falling or staying asleep. A lack of rest can make daily tasks challenging, but plenty can be done to help you feel better. At...
If you or your child is one of the millions of Americans with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), you might assume prescription medication is your best (or only) treatment option. However, research shows a multimodal approach is more effective. At Himalaya Family Medicine Clinic in Aurora, Colorado, our psychotherapist specializes in multimodal...
If you have an intense, irrational fear of something, like spiders or heights, the last thing you want to do is face it head-on. Constant avoidance, however, can affect your quality of life and exacerbate the phobia in the long run. Exposure therapy provides a safe and effective way to...
More than 57 million American adults suffer from mental illnesses, such as depression and anxiety. This statistic hits close to home for friends and family members of those in this group. The good news is there’s hope. Working with a behavioral health specialist can address the root cause of your...
Managing difficult emotions isn’t always easy, especially if you experience feelings intensely. However, being unable to cope with the challenges life throws at you can affect your mental health, relationships, and ability to work. Dialectical behavior therapy (DBT) is geared toward people with intense emotions. It can help manage various...
Anxiety is the No. 1 mental health disorder in the United States. An estimated 40 million American adults experience anxiety each year, and if you’re one of those millions, the effect it has on your life can be profound. Anxiety disorder puts your body on high alert. It makes you...